Deadly Troubadours

Art by Rika Touma
Art by Rika Thomas

The Book

Deadly Troubadours is an self-published English language fantasy novel by me, Brent Thomas. What to know more? Here is the blurb:

Who are the Deadly Troubadours? Artists? Thieves? Pranksters? Punks? The answer depends on who you ask. In the summer city of Tryst the Deadly Troubadours seek to make a name for themselves – unfortunately that leads to a stupid oath after a night of heavy drinking. Because of course it does. Kestra: former gladiator. Demetrius Tate: magician and huckster. Talbert Gretchen: academic in exile. Aleksander: master of song. Will their actions earn them fame or infamy? Do they know they are out of their depths? Are they truly stupid enough to fight a dragon? Yes, yes they are. Because they are the Deadly Troubadours.

How to Buy


It is available as an ebook at Smashwords,  the Apple Store and on Rakuten. It is also available on Amazon. This link is for the Amazon US, but it should be available worldwide.

If you are curious, I get the best royalties from Smashwords.


The paperback can be found at two main locations. The first is Amazon, including the Amazon sites for USA, Canada and their European site. This is their standard Createspace edition. Because it is through Amazon, you should be able to convince your locally bookstore to order a copy as well if you like to shop brick and mortar.

Or, you can purchase a copy directly from me at Indiegogo. While both editions feature chapter header art the Indiegogo version features a light-blue inner cover lining.

Comparing both copies, I have to say the Indiegogo version is a little nicer. The cover lining adds some charm and the paper quality is higher. Plus, the inner art seems to be a higher resolution. That is probably the difference between an actual print run compared to print on demand. Don’t get me wrong, the Amazon version is still nice. But I do have some pride in the job we did printing locally.

Or, maybe I am just trying to convince you to by the copy where I get the most royalty. I wouldn’t put it past me. However, remember, I live in Japan. Unless you live in Japan as well, you might end up paying almost the same amount for shipping as you do for the book.


Like any indecent author, reviews mean the world. The more reviews, the easier it is to spread the word about this book. The farther the word spreads, the more likely it is that someone will read it. My goal is to reach 100 reviews by the end of 2016. Still a long way to go.

The best places to leave reviews are on Goodreads and Amazon, although I love it when people leave reviews on blogs, Facebook, etc. Please let me know if you leave a review, so I can share it with others.

Sample Chapters

How about the first chapter?

Or this chapter where the dragon shows up. (Yes, there is a dragon. Because dragons are awesome.)

There are some sweet moments, too.


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