Adventures in Podcasting

Had some luck today in getting some podcasts ready for this site. If you haven’t been listening to my Comics League International podcast recently, now is the time to start up.

I started Comics League International during grad school. Many of my friends in the department hailed from all around the world and I thought it would be fun to read some comics and converse with folk with very different backgrounds. That version of CLI existed for about 30 episodes. Basically I graduated and so did many of my friends making it harder for our schedules to align to talk comics. Also the Mrs. and I discovered we were expecting a child.

A few sporadic episodes came out as I looked for a way to continue CLI because I love talking comics and I think I found a way that will work. One of my friends and a former CLI guest, Lydia, agreed to work on a little project with me “Brent and Lydia Talk Starman”, which has currently released its sixth episode and we are recording more. This is primarily a weekly show, but Lydia and I are both busy people with lots of projects and sometimes are schedules don’t line up.

So, in between those shows, I will be putting out other podcast episodes under the Comics League International banner. Some will deal directly with comics. Others, such as the next weeks commentary for Ghostbusters II will be more tangentially related to comics.

Why am I bringing all this up?

Because this morning I recorded a new episode with Lydia and put the finishing touches on a few more episodes. By the end of the day I should have material lined up for the next three weeks and the hope is to once again make CLI a weekly part of this website.

If podcasts and nerdy discussions are something you enjoy, and if you are reading this site chances are good they are, please consider supporting me in my endeavors. The good news is most of the support I’m looking for is free. On Facebook you can like either my author page, Brent Thomas, or the Comics League International page, or both. Feel free to leave a comment and say “Hi.” Also, you can subscribe to Comics League International through iTunes and I would appreciate it if you took a moment to rat and review the show.

If you want to go that extra step I also have a Patreon page. Patreon lets you set up a monthly donation that helps me cover any costs of hosting this site, purchasing better equipment and programs for recording, and also helps me justify the time it takes to record and produce a show. Even a dollar means a lot.

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